While in Europe, I had the opportunity to visit the Louvre Art museum in Paris, in the summer of 2008. The world seemed a whole lot more amazing as I made my way through thousand year old art sections, from one floor to the next. In the early 19th century section, I came across an artist named William Bougareaus, a French Painter, who’s work left me gasping for air as my eyes darted in all direction’s over his beautiful paintings. No words could explain what I was seeing. They just don’t or can’t paint them like that anymore. When I returned back to Vancouver Island in September, I took a few months to think about what I seen while in France.
I began this painting in December/2008 and finished it in March 2009. I took my time and really enjoyed creating it. The Native woman, who represents all healthy, strong, confident and balanced Native women, is looking straight at the viewer, yet still has feminine quality about her as she embraces the toddlers. It’s no mistake that I had her holding closest to her, the non-native Caucasian babies, who seem to be starving for love, food or attention. In this painting. I wanted to show their hunger for spiritual sustenance, in a world that encourages materialism. The babies are representing the people of North America, who have fooled themselves into thinking they can live without acknowledging the Creator. The children, who sit beneath the woman, are more balanced spiritually, but lack the foods that come straight from the earth, untreated by harsh chemicals and pesticides. I think nature provides us with a less stressful approach to our diets. One needs to find the time to understand this, and live a life that encourages a more balanced approach to existing.
All my relations, is a term that goes way back to the beginning of time, when humanity separated, and began to travel to all 4 corners of the earth. Native people of North America were told to remember this saying ‘All My Relations,’ so that when the time came to unite once again, we would all recognize each other as family, regardless of race or culture. The child pointing to the name ‘Baha’u’llah, is actually confirming this belief, as Baha’u’llah teaches that nothing matters more than unity, love of oneself and for each other and of course, faith.
About the Original
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas / Image Size: 27.5" x 45" / Created: March 2009
Availability: Yes / Price: $19,000.00