The Dancer

The Dancer

I've seen you in a way that has changed me forever.
My heart opened up and I felt myself melting into a thousand tear drops.
Time stood still and let me experience your passions, your history, your future. Where was I before this moment? Somewhere trapped in a place that prevented me from knowing you, so that I could know myself.

You are not just a dancer,
you are fine art that can't be sold.
You are an Elder telling a story that's never been told.
A mystery that left me numb
with inspiration.

Pow Wows gave me the opportunity to capture the emotions that come up while watching the dancers. It's like everyone attending leaves their professions at the door, steps back in time for the days they dance. It's magical.

The pow wow trails have changed over the past few thousand years. Today, you see so much diversity in dance wear, which almost gives one the impression, that we as Native people are uniting without realizing it. I find it to be an inspiring inevitability.

About the Original

Medium: Mixed Media / Image Size: 44" x 66" / Created: April 1999
Availability: Soon




The Dancer
The Dancer

is available as:

Limited Edition Print



© Copyright Darlene Gait 2007. All rights reserved. No image may be partially
or totally reproduced for any purpose without the express consent of the artist.